The fact that she [a citizen living near the marsh for 70 years] could go there and see birds she'd never seen before brought her to tears. We have the legacy we were left with. Now we have the opportunity to restore the environment and have a healthy economic environment as well.
- Scott Ireland, U.S. EPA project manager, 2014 address to the Lake County Advancement Committee
The sediment cleanup of Roxana Marsh is complete!
The sediment cleanup of Roxana Marsh on the Grand Calumet River is complete! Almost 600,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment were dredged and capped in the river and marshland. This project included the restoration of 19 acres of marsh habitat, returning it to the important migratory bird stopover that it once was. Birders come from far and wide to view black-crowned night herons, bald eagles, sandpipers, vireos, and a multitude of shorebirds and songbirds.
The project was administered by a large team. The funding came from a Great Lakes Legacy Act (GLLA) partnership between EPA and the State of Indiana's natural resource agencies, which used funding from a Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) settlement with eight local industries to match federal funding. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided oversight as a NRDA trustee, and The Nature Conservancy, Save the Dunes, and Shirley Heinze Land Trust provided extensive habitat restoration support.
The project was administered by a large team. The funding came from a Great Lakes Legacy Act (GLLA) partnership between EPA and the State of Indiana's natural resource agencies, which used funding from a Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) settlement with eight local industries to match federal funding. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided oversight as a NRDA trustee, and The Nature Conservancy, Save the Dunes, and Shirley Heinze Land Trust provided extensive habitat restoration support.
This project cleaned up sediment and restored habitat on the Grand Calumet River and adjacent Roxana Marsh between Columbus Ave. and Indianapolis Blvd., labeled #3 on the map.
Cleanup Process
Many sections of the river have been or are getting cleaned up through the GLLA. In addition, the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers is dredging 1.4 million cubic yards from the canal, and a U. S. Steel enforcement dredging project removed 788,000 cubic yards of PCB-contaminated sediment in 2007.
Sediment remediated: 585,000 cubic yards
Contaminants: Heavy metals, PAHs, and PCBs Method: Hydraulic dredging of the river, mechanical dredging of the wetlands, and capping with organoclay When: 2011-2012 Partners: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Cost: $48 million Note: This stretch includes the restoration of 19 acres of Roxana Marsh, a rest-stop for migratory birds. |
Long-term Benefits
More Information
Documents and Resources
Grand Calumet River Area of Concern habitat report (PDF, 21p, 649KB) March 2014
Grand Calumet River FAQs (PDF, 12p, 5 MB) June 2013
Roxana Marsh public meeting posters (PDF, 11p, 12.3 MB) January 2012
Grand Calumet River Area of Concern habitat report (PDF, 21p, 649KB) March 2014
Grand Calumet River FAQs (PDF, 12p, 5 MB) June 2013
Roxana Marsh public meeting posters (PDF, 11p, 12.3 MB) January 2012