The sediment cleanup of Hog Island Inlet is complete!
Hog Island Inlet and the mouth of Newton Creek were cleaned up in 2005! Approximately 46,000 cubic yards of contaminated sediment were removed. It is the second sediment remediation project performed under the Great Lakes Legacy Act, and its completion marks the environmental renewal of 17 acres of shallow, protected waters for fish, wildlife, and humans. The area is an important recreational asset for activities like bird watching, biking, and hiking. Upon completion of the project, Douglas County removed a "No Swimming" sign for the inlet. Many other projects are a part of Hog Island's recovery story. The headwaters of Newton Creek underwent a cleanup by Murphy Oil Refinery, and the Wisconsin DNR performed further remediation downstream.
The cleanup of Hog Island Inlet and the mouth of Newton Creek took place in Superior, WI. Hog Island is connected to Superior Bay by a 50-foot channel. The approximate location of the sediment cleanup is outlined in orange in the image below.
Cleanup Process
Contaminated sediment in the creek and inlet was excavated "in the dry." This means that the creek was diverted, the inlet was walled off with temporary dams, and the water was pumped out of both areas. A dry bed of sediment was dug, up to 10 feet in some areas of the inlet. The contaminated sediment was segregated and stockpiled at a staging area before being disposed of at Moccasin Mike Landfill.
Sediment remediated: 46,000 cubic yards
Contaminants: PAHs and lead Method: Dry excavation When: 2005 Partners: U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Cost: $6.3 million |
Long-term Benefits
More Information
Documents and Resources
Hog Island Inlet Remedial Action Project Report (PDF, 45p, 1.4MB) November 2006
Hog Island completion fact sheet (PDF, 2p, 260KB) November 2005
Hog Island kick-off fact sheet (PDF, 2p, 57KB) June 2005
Hog Island Inlet Remedial Action Project Report (PDF, 45p, 1.4MB) November 2006
Hog Island completion fact sheet (PDF, 2p, 260KB) November 2005
Hog Island kick-off fact sheet (PDF, 2p, 57KB) June 2005